BobSmithseestheworld Profile

A bit of an art and architecture-fan who loves to travel.

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Recent Reviews BobSmithseestheworld

Dutch Water Defence Lines

BobSmithseestheworld E.U. - 27-Jan-18

I use to study in Utrecht and walked/biked a lot in the area around the Hollandse Waterlinie. So i thought i might share with fellow travelers what they can best do in case they are ever in the area and want to see the nearby fortresses.

The fastest and easiest way to go there from Utrecht Central Station is by taking the bus to Wijk Bij Duurstede and to then get of at the busstop Oud Amelisweerd. When you step out of the bus you will see an old mansion on your left and railwaytracks/highway on your right. You want to cross the railway and go through the tunnel underneath the highway and you will see Fort Bij Vechten.

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Rietveld Schröder House
Land Art Projects of Robert Smithson (Spiral Jetty, Utah, US & Broken Circle and Spiral Hill, Netherlands)

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